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The Ease and Efficacy of the iGel

Raise your hand if you're familiar with this piece of equipment! If not, you should be. Gone are the days where we check the cuffs of king tubes for leaks and rub our non-sterile fingers over them with lube.

The iGel is based off of weight in kilograms rather than height like its predecessor. The shape is flatter than the king tube to minimize rotation while in the mouth. The superior end of the iGel is reinforced to mimic a bite block so the patient doesn't accidentally crush the tube.


1. You identify the appropriate size you need

size 3: 30-60kg

size 4: 50-90kg

size 5: 90kg+

2. Remove the iGel from yellow holster. Keep iGel and holster in non dominant hand while dominant hands squirts a dab of water-based lubricant onto divot on holster. At no point in this process should the iGel touch any other surfaces.

3. Remove the Oropharyngeal airway (OPA) from the patient's mouth, open the mouth, and insert the iGel until you meet resistance.

4. Confirm placement by:

Listening to epigastric sounds (or lack thereof)

Listening to lung sounds bilaterally

gold color change on colorimetric device (or waveform for end tidal CO2)

presence of condensation in tube

Skin parameters should be improving

Pulse ox should be improving as well

Overall, there is less risk for airway trauma and placement error when using the iGel.

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